> January, 2020 - Vinova
Why I think Flutter is the future of mobile app development

Why I think Flutter is the future of mobile app development

I dabbled a bit in Android and iOS development quite a few years back using Java and Objective-C. After spending about a month working with both of them, I decided to move on. I just couldn’t get into it. But recently, I learned about Flutter and decided to give mobile app development another shot. I instantly fell in love with it as it made developing multi-platform apps a ton of fun. Since learning about it, I’ve created an app and a library using it. Flutter seems to be a very promising step forward and I’d like to explain a few different reasons why I believe this. Powered by Dart Flutter uses the Google-developed Dart language. If you’ve used Java before, you’ll be fairly familiar with the syntax of Dart as they are quite similar. Besides the syntax, Dart is a fairly different language. I’m not going to be talking about Dart in depth as it’s a bit out of scope, but I’d like to discuss one of the most helpful features in my opinion. This feature being support for asynchronous operations. Not only does Dart support it, but it makes it exceptionally easy. This is something you’ll most likely be using throughout all of your Flutter applications if you’re doing IO or other time-consuming operations such as querying a database. Without asynchronous operations, any time-consuming operations will cause the program to freeze up until they complete. To prevent this, Dart provides us with the async and await keywords which allow our program to continue execution while waiting for these longer operations to complete. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples:...
Exodus of Cyber Security Team Could Expose White House to Cyber Attacks – CPO Magazine

Exodus of Cyber Security Team Could Expose White House to Cyber Attacks – CPO Magazine

At a time when global cyber threats seem to be emerging everywhere, the U.S. White House appears to be ignoring the potential risk of a cyber attack carried on the White House’s computer networks. What is most alarming is a recent exodus of at least a dozen senior cyber security officials, all of them former members of the Office of the Chief Information Security Officer (OCISO). In July 2019, the White House carried out a reorganization, in which these members of the White House cyber security team were shifted into the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). In the aftermath of this shakeup, former OCISO officials have had their scope of duties removed, and many of their security privileges revoked. All of this is setting up a situation where members of the U.S. Congress are starting to wonder about the long-term security posture of the White House. The politicization of cyber security There’s a lot to unpack here, primarily due to the rampant partisan politics in Washington, D.C. On one hand, the Trump Administration has characterized the reorganization of the OCISO cyber security team as simply a way to improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the White House’s cyber activities and a better way to protect White House computers. Why have two different cyber security teams – the OCISO and the OCIO – carrying out nearly the same duties? There’s a lot of redundancy and inefficiency here, right? On the other hand, opponents of the Trump Administration suggest that the forced exodus of cyber staffers to the private sector is part of a bigger conspiracy, in which...
The 10-minute roadmap to becoming a Junior full stack web developer

The 10-minute roadmap to becoming a Junior full stack web developer

So you have started your journey into the world of web development. But what do you learn first? The Internet is overloaded with a wealth of information about the millions of different technologies that a web developer can know.It’s not hard to see how confusing and off-putting it all is. As a former junior developer myself, I know the struggle.This guide has been assembled based on my experience in the industry as a junior developer. This guide is also a summary of things that I, as a team lead, would expect from junior developers.There is a lot of information here – so grab a drink, get comfortable, and let’s get started! The Must Know’s Regardless of your pathway and career goals, there are some things that every developer needs to know. Git/Source control — Every good developer will need to know how to use Git, especially in a team environment. So learn how to clone repos, make commits, create branches, and merge code Debugging — Frontend, or backend, there will be bugs. Get familiar with the debugging tools for your IDE. Speaking of IDE’s… IDE — There are many IDE’s you can use, so pick one and get to know it. Your IDE is your best friend, and knowing the shortcuts and tools will make you a better developer. Personally, I recommend using VS Code. Methodologies (Agile/SCRUM/Kanban) — When operating in a team, the odds are you will be using a product development methodology, so make sure you’re familiar with how they work Front-end A front-end developer can typically perform the following tasks: Implement a design using HTML/CSS Interact...
8 Trends That Will Dominate Mobile App Development in 2019 and Beyond

8 Trends That Will Dominate Mobile App Development in 2019 and Beyond

The New Year is around the corner and reasonably developers are on the lookout for new trends. Obviously, many of these trends are a continuation of the trends that are getting prominent and louder over a couple of years. Alongside this, there is obviously the big promise of new technologies penetrating the mobile app development scene. Considering all, here we picked up some of the most likely development trends in 2019 any mobile app development company needs to watch out. 1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML) Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a breathtaking new technology in the mobile app development landscape. It has already penetrated the app development of smarter applications offering stealthy and most useful interactions. On the other hand, Machine Learning (ML) simultaneously made big progress by allowing developers to utilise user data to build more personalised applications. It is very likely that throughout the coming years we will see more mobile apps across the platforms to use AI and ML for effective user interactions. According to industry veterans and experts, AI will ease out the customer service process remarkably and reduce the need for manpower input to a great extent. Many statistical figures confirm the likely domination of AI and ML throughout 2018 and beyond. As per the IDC, by the time we reach 2018, bigger three fourth of employees who at present are using ERP solutions will go for AI-powered solutions with the objective of boosting efficiency and productivity. On the other hand, AI-powered chatbots will play a bigger role than ever before for customer service operation across business niches. According to...
cleanframes: A Data Cleansing Library for Apache Spark! – DZone Big Data

cleanframes: A Data Cleansing Library for Apache Spark! – DZone Big Data

In the last decade, computer engineering has exploded with solutions based on cloud computing, distributed systems, big data, streaming or artificial intelligence. Today’s world systems are data-intensive so that volumes become higher and cheaper. Shortly speaking, data is at the centre of our interests. One of issues in these area is a data quality — why is it so important? Nowadays, data is everywhere and drives companies and their operations. If we do not make decisions based on reliable or complete information, it might have a huge impact on these and end up with tragic consequences. The data’s correctness and prominence reserves a special discipline, known as a data cleansing, which is focused on removing or correcting coarse records. cleanframes is a small library for Apache Spark to make data cleansing automated and enjoyable. Let’s walk through a problem, step by step, to examine what it takes to make data quality as awesome and reliable as possible!  Let’s introduce a sample data and, for a simplicity-sake, make it a small set: And a domain model that, for its representation, is defined as: If you are wondering why there are options across the case class the answer is simple: Scala primitives are values and cannot be nulls. Options liberate us by setting the dataframe schema columns’ nullability to true. Let’s load the data and check what Spark will do about it: The  collect variable contains the following result: As you can see, due to malformed values, the second and fourth lines don’t retain the correct data and reject entire rows. We would be much better off if it would be possible to ignore only invalid cells and...
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