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Mobile App Development | Los Angeles

Mobile App Development | Los Angeles

We are mobile technology experts: We have a team of experts in native technologies. iOS SDK, Cocoa Touch ,Xcode Objective C and Android SDK as well as in cross platform technologies including HTML5, CSS3, Core Javascript, PhoneGap, Sencha Touch, jQuery, AngularJS and BackboneJS. As we are confident in various mobile technologies, we love new challenges. We understand businesses and their mobility requirements: It has been a decade that we are working with different businesses and delivering solutions in multiple functional areas including HR, sales & marketing, production and support. So now We fully understand businesses and which enables us to successfully execute mobility strategy of any business. We are UX and UI experts: We are a rare bread. We are technical experts with expertise in UI and user experience. We make user friendly UI for all levels of users. Follow best development practices: We follow best development practices, which allows us to scale up the app as requirement grows. Testing and Responsive Support team: Testing and Support is the key aspect and we take this into consideration from the beginning till the end, and build strong of QA and Support. We have the team and experience: Founded in 2007, today we are a team of 35 designers and developers with 70% repeat business. With every new project our team is constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in a mobile web application. With us, nothing is impossible – immediate application updates, core native applications features, cross-device compatibility, etc. iPhone Mobile Application Development From the time it had appeared iOS gained a huge popularity and today, according to the Q3...
Cyber-security super-brain Rudy Giuliani forgets password, bricks iPhone, begs Apple Store staff for help • The Register

Cyber-security super-brain Rudy Giuliani forgets password, bricks iPhone, begs Apple Store staff for help • The Register

The month after Rudy Giuliani was named the US president’s cybersecurity adviser, the former mayor of New York queued up outside an Apple Store in San Francisco to get staff to reset his iPhone because he couldn’t remember the passcode. Giuliani had typed into the wrong code more than 10 times, seizing up the phone and an Apple staffer reset and restored the iPhone 6 using his iCloud backup, according to NBC News which today saw and posted a picture of the internal Apple memo concerning the visit. The yarn – which has not been disputed – has left security experts stunned. As an adviser on cybersecurity to President Trump and more recently as his personal lawyer, Giuliani has direct access to the White House and, if reports are to be believed, is in charge of a parallel foreign policy effort involving a range of countries, most notably Ukraine. Or, in other words, Giuliani’s phone is a prime target for surveillance efforts and he simply handed it over to a random Apple employee. Not only that but he couldn’t remember his own passcode, and has backed everything up to Apple’s iCloud. He is a walking security risk. A pic of the internal Apple memo on Giuliani’s visit, as obtained by NBC. The news that Giuliani has absolutely zero recognition of the risks associated with such behavior comes just days after it was revealed that he had twice butt-dialed a telly journalist this month, and left potentially incriminating voicemails. In one, he was heard discussing presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son – a topic that become the focus of...

React Native — Is it Really the Future of Mobile App Development?

There have been massive advancements in technology in the past decades. However, only a few sectors have witnessed unprecedented growth; one of them is the mobile app development industry.According to statistics , by the year 2020, mobile apps are predicted to generate $188.9 billion in global revenue via app stores and in-app advertising.The users also require apps that offer flawless performance, seamless navigation, as well as aesthetical appeal. The increasing demand for better, faster, and more innovative apps has led to the urgency to meet the criteria.On the contrary, high performing, quality native apps are time-consuming to develop as compared to cross-platform apps that provide faster deployment but compromise slightly on the performance.To adapt to an increasingly fast-paced world, mobile app developers require enhanced technology to build revolutionary mobile applications and keep in-sync with the demand. React Native has emerged as a viable solution to write brilliant apps, rapidly transforming the world of mobile. What is React Native and its future in the mobile app development? Maintained by the developers at Facebook and Instagram, React Native is the native version of the JavaScript library. It provides a fast track to completion, performs well on targeted platforms, and is easy to debug.Using React Native, you can build mobile apps that are indistinguishable from the apps developed using Java or Objective-C. It uses the same fundamental user interface building blocks as the regular iOS and Android apps, but you assemble the building blocks using React and JavaScript.As a result, React Native has gained massive popularity, community support, and market share within the few years since it was introduced. The Github repository...

National Cyber Security Strategy: Canada’s Vision for Security and Prosperity in the Digital Age

National Cyber Security Strategy Canada’s Vision for Security and Prosperity in the Digital Age Virtually everything Canadians do is touched by technology in some way – on a per capita basis, we spend the most time online of any country in the world, at 43.5 hours per Canadian per month. We are heavily inter-connected and networked, a fact that enhances our quality of life, but also creates vulnerabilities. From commercial supply chains to the critical infrastructure that underpins our economy and our society, the risks in the cyber world have multiplied, accelerated, and grown increasingly malicious. Major corporations, industries and our international allies and partners are engaged in the global cyber challenge. But many others are not — representing a significant risk, but also a missed opportunity in this rapidly growing global industry. While it is important to be keenly aware of cyber threats, Canada’s cyber security policy cannot be driven by fear and defensiveness. With this in mind, the renewal of the existing Cyber Security Strategy has been undertaken with an emphasis on the enormous potential of Canada’s increased leadership in this field. In partnership with the Ministers of Defence, Innovation, Infrastructure, Public Services and the Treasury Board, we consulted directly with Canadians and key stakeholders about how the new strategy could best serve their security needs, while allowing them to benefit from the opportunities that the digital economy offers. Informed by over 2,000 submissions to our public consultation, the Strategy directly addresses the gaps and areas for improvement in Canada’s current cyber security climate. The Strategy’s core goals are reflected in Budget 2018’s substantial investments in cyber...

The 2019 Web Developer Roadmap – A Visual Guide to Becoming a Front End, Back End, or DevOps Developer

There are many ways you can go about picking up the skills you need to become a developer. There are linear curriculums that teach you a bit of everything – like freeCodeCamp’s full stack development curriculum. And then there are massive lists of skills – and sometimes lists of resources – you can use to “choose your own adventure” through the learning process. One of the best such list of skills is Kamran Ahmed’s Developer Roadmap, which he regularly updates. This is no ordinary list of resources. Kamran has painstakingly mapped out all the skills he feels are essential to breaking into different fields of development. I’ve written about his roadmap in the past. And to celebrate us all being half way into 2019, I’m going to share his entire roadmap here – all three of them. That’s right – he has lists of tools and resources that are required for the following paths: The skills all developers need regardless of their specialization In addition to these paths, Kamran also recommends everyone who wants to work as a developer learn the following skills: Git – Version Control Git is a powerful version control system that as of 2019 is used almost universally. If you don’t know it – yes it’s related to GitHub and GitLab, and you can learn how to use those tools, too. Basic Terminal Usage – The Bash Command Line, SSH, and other skills This could be the terminal on a Mac, a Windows DOS prompt, or Bash/ZSH. Note that regardless of which operating system you use, you should probably learn Linux. Even if you’re not...
Malcare WordPress Security

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