> October, 2019 - Vinova
Mobile App Development Trends 2019 Will Shape the App Industry

Mobile App Development Trends 2019 Will Shape the App Industry

We are just a few days away from the New Year. It is approaching quickly, and it’s hard to believe how quickly 2018 flew by. When it comes to looking at the 2018 mobile app market, it has witnessed just over 27 billion downloads that is a year-over-year growth of approximately 11%. Not only in 2018 but for the past many years, mobile apps have been changing our lives from booking a cab to ordering food and hiring the best electrician from the nearby area. Mobile apps have revolutionized the way we perform our daily tasks whether it is personal or business. With the increasing demand and usefulness, mobile apps serve to be a significant opportunity for entrepreneurs, businesses, and startups. According to Statista.com, mobile applications are supposed to generate approximately $189 Billion US dollars in revenue by 2020 that you can see in the given graph. Image Courtesy: Statista.com In fact, many experts have said that the mobile app development industry is the fastest growing industry, and it is showing no sign of slowing down in the future as well. Looking at the technological advancements and new inventions in the mobile app industry, it is necessary to give a glimpse into the mobile app development trends of 2019. These mobile app development trends will bring many new opportunities for entrepreneurs and startup owners. Without discussing more on the mobile app market, let’s check out the upcoming trends that are thoroughly researched and analyzed by our technical head. 1. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning both have studded their legs deeper into the mobile...
An Intuitive Explanation of Convolutional Neural Networks – the data science blog

An Intuitive Explanation of Convolutional Neural Networks – the data science blog

What are Convolutional Neural Networks and why are they important? Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets or CNNs) are a category of Neural Networks that have proven very effective in areas such as image recognition and classification. ConvNets have been successful in identifying faces, objects and traffic signs apart from powering vision in robots and self driving cars. Figure 1: Source [1] In Figure 1 above, a ConvNet is able to recognize scenes and the system is able to suggest relevant captions (“a soccer player is kicking a soccer ball”) while Figure 2 shows an example of ConvNets being used for recognizing everyday objects, humans and animals. Lately, ConvNets have been effective in several Natural Language Processing tasks (such as sentence classification) as well. Figure 2: Source [2] ConvNets, therefore, are an important tool for most machine learning practitioners today. However, understanding ConvNets and learning to use them for the first time can sometimes be an intimidating experience. The primary purpose of this blog post is to develop an understanding of how Convolutional Neural Networks work on images. If you are new to neural networks in general, I would recommend reading this short tutorial on Multi Layer Perceptrons to get an idea about how they work, before proceeding. Multi Layer Perceptrons are referred to as “Fully Connected Layers” in this post. The LeNet Architecture (1990s) LeNet was one of the very first convolutional neural networks which helped propel the field of Deep Learning. This pioneering work by Yann LeCun was named LeNet5 after many previous successful iterations since the year 1988 [3]. At that time the LeNet architecture was used mainly for character recognition tasks such as reading zip codes, digits, etc. Below, we will develop an intuition of how...
The Offensive Manual Web Application Penetration Testing Framework

The Offensive Manual Web Application Penetration Testing Framework

Here is some light on what the framework is all about: Installation: Presently, for installing globally, you will need to default your Python version to 2.x. However, the work of migration from Python2 to Python3 is already underway. Thats it! Now you are good to go! Now lets run the tool: Manual Installation (Locally): TIDoS needs some libraries to run, which can be installed via aptitude or yum Package Managers. Now after these dependencies are finished installing, we need to install the remaining Python Package dependencies, hence run: Thats it. You now have TIDoS at your service. Fire it up using: You can build it from Dockerfile: To run TIDoS: Getting Started: TIDoS is built to be a comprehensive, flexible and versatile framework where you just have to select and use modules. So to get started, you need to set your own API KEYS for various OSINT & Scanning and Enumeration purposes. To do so, open up API_KEYS.py under files/ directory and set your own keys and access tokens for SHODAN, CENSYS, FULL CONTACT, GOOGLE and WHATCMS. GOOD NEWS: The latest release of TIDoS includes all API KEYS and ACCESS TOKENS for SHODAN, CENSYS, FULL CONTACT, GOOGLE and WHATCMS by default. I found these tokens on various repositories on GitHub itself. You can now use all the modules which use the API KEYS. 🙂 Finally, as the framework opens up, enter the website name eg. http://www.example.com and let TIDoS lead you. Thats it! Its as easy as that. Recommended: To update this tool, use tidos_updater.py module under tools/ folder. TIDoS Framework presently supports the following: and more modules are...

67 useful tools, libraries and resources for saving your time as a web developer

In this article I won’t be talking about big front end frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue etc… nor already popular code editors like Atom, VS Code, Sublime… I simply want to share a list of tools I find useful for speeding up a developer’s workflow. Some have probably seen most of these, but I’m glad if someone discovers something new and useful. This list contains many diverse resources so I will organize them in groups. Javascript libraries Particles.js — A library for creating beautiful floating particles on a web page Three.js — A library for creating 3d objects and spaces on a web page Fullpage.js ** — Easy to implement full page scroll feature Typed.js — Typewriter effect Waypoints.js — Trigger a function when you scroll to an element Highlight.js — Syntax highlighting for the web Chart.js — Make beautiful charts using only javascript Instantclick — Dramatically speed up your website load time, preloading resources on mouse hover Chartist — Another chart library Motio — A library for sprite based animations and panning Animstion — Jquery plugin for css animated page transitions Barba.js — Fluid page transitions TwentyTwenty — A visual diff tool to spot differences Vivus.js — A library for making drawing animation on SVG Wow.js — Reveal animations when you scroll Scrolline.js — See how much you have scrolled untill the end of the page Velocity.js — Very fast and smooth javascript animations Animate on scroll — Pretty straightforward Handlebars.js — Javascript templating jInvertScroll — Parallax scrolling One page scroll — And again a one page scrolling library Parallax.js — Parallax Engine that reacts to the...
Do you know how much Effort Google dedicate into Cyber Security

Do you know how much Effort Google dedicate into Cyber Security

Google always Maintain the Extremely strong Cyber Security Culture for Data Security, Network Security, Cloud Security and Physical security. Google’s this extreme level security protection beginning from hiring the employee until the biggest security breach investigations. Employee background checks, Security training Privacy events Before they join google staff, Google will confirm an individual’s training and past business, and perform inner and outside reference checks. Where nearby work law or statutory directions allow, Google may likewise lead criminal, credit, migration, and security checks. The degree of these historical verifications is subject to the wanted position. Google Request to sign the Code of Conduct, which monitor all the new employees which highlight google commitment to keep customer information safe and secure and it is not only for Google but for all the subsidies which come under Alphabet Inc . it’s depending on their job role, additional training on specific aspects of security may be required. For instance, the information security team instructs new engineers on topics like secure coding practices, product design, and automated vulnerability scanning tools. Security and privacy is an ever-evolving area, and Google recognizes that dedicated employee engagement is a key means of raising awareness. One example is “Privacy Week,” during which Google hosts events across global offices to raise awareness of privacy in all facets, from software development, data handling and policy enforcement to living google privacy principles. The dedicated Security team and Privacy team Google employees more than 500 full-time security and privacy professionals, who are part of software engineering and operations division. Google team includes some of the world’s foremost experts in information, application and...
Malcare WordPress Security

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