> August, 2017 - Vinova
How to Leverage AR for Ecommerce

How to Leverage AR for Ecommerce

How to Leverage AR for Ecommerce E-commerce is an industry that thrives on user engagement. Any strategy that offers a unique way to reach and entertain potential customers is an attractive one. With the advent of augmented reality (AR), there is now an entirely new way for brands to interact with their audience. When brands utilize an AR app developer for success, they enjoy the benefits of a personalized, interactive marketing strategy that appeals to more customers. Here are the ways in which ecommerce businesses can use augmented reality for their own success.   AR Solves the Problem of Shopping Online For many online shoppers, e-commerce is appealing for its convenience factor. Nothing beats buying something you desperately want or need, right from your couch at home. However, what e-commerce lacks is the ability to try before you buy. Augmented reality for e-commerce is addressing this concern by offering shoppers the ability to see the product on themselves or in their home before making a purchase. The basis of AR technology is posting digital features directly within a real-life environment. For consumers, this means they are able to see the product they are thinking of purchasing appear on themselves or in its true setting. It essentially eliminates the guesswork from virtual shopping. Not only does augmented reality provide the opportunity for boosting ROI and sales, but also it can increase customer satisfaction and reduce the number of products returned. With customers able to more easily try a product and visualize it before buying, it removes the guesswork and lets them purchase more confidently.   Engage Customers, Provide Information, Customize...
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