> March, 2015 - Vinova
[Mobile Game] God’s Rage

[Mobile Game] God’s Rage

Mobile Game: God’s Rage God’s Rage IOS God’s Rage Android A mortal human is in love with your divine daughter. Stop him before he reaches her! A mobile game developed by our very own team, God’s Rage is a reverse runner that put the player’s reaction skills to the test. The game is now out on App Store and Google Play....
Mobile App Security

Mobile App Security

The security of mobile applications is a serious and growing concern for users and mobile application market places (Apple’s App Store, Google Play, BlackBerry® World™, Windows Phone Store), where users are the target and the market places enable the delivery of malware. We have reviewed the recent history of the mobile space, looking at the vectors available to hackers and malware producers. We’ll highlight some facts and figures that should cause many to rethink the device that they give all their information to, and carry everywhere with them. Mobile App Security When an application is submitted for inclusion on any of the main supplier stores it is scanned for malware and its usage permissions are collated and presented to the user. They range from “network level access” which basically “should” mean the application requires connection to the internet. However more and more applications seem to include the permission “collects location information” or “collects personal information such as contacts”. For many applications this can be a boon, applications such as Facebook will use this to tag where a photo is taken and suggest other users of Facebook to you, based on their email address or mobile number contained in your contacts list. The flip side of this is the growing number of applications that harvest the information for no application based reason and seemingly just because they can. This can also affect application updates. Permissions changes are again highlighted to the user but often in high level/technical language and without the user comprehending the purpose or usage of that collected data. The lesson for users is, if they choose to...
Malcare WordPress Security

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