> July, 2013 - Vinova
Open Game Development Conference 2013

Open Game Development Conference 2013

Flemington building, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, 20 July 2013, the annual event Open Game Development Conference (OGDC) came back for its second time. Organised by VNG, the event is aimed to create opportunities for local game developers to learn and share as well as listen to experiences from both local and foreign experts on the game industry. At OGDC 2013, beside speakers from VNG, guest speakers from Vietnam and Asian studios such as DeNA Asia Pacific Holdings Pte Ltd, Singapore NHN, Cami Games JSC and of course Vinova Pte Ltd, were invited. Activities in this event included, but not limited to, sharing practical experiences in game development, from how to develop a successful game to strategies in game development or the concerns about this competitive field. A very popular topic that was discussed is Mobile Game – the hottest trend nowadays with the popularity of smartphones. Taking part in OGDC 2013, Vinova sent 3 speakers: Mr Cody Nguyen, Lead Web Developer, presented “Cross platform game development for mobile web”, Mr Alviss Ha, Lead Designer, talked about “Dong Son Art Style in mobile game” and Mr Stefan Nguyen, Lead Game Developer, contributed the topic “Awesome 2D game development with Spines”. They brought to the conference our latest game, which is still under development, Ultimate Arrow. The game attracted a lot of attention from the crowd. The slides of the above mentioned presentations as well as others in OGDC can be found in this link. The recorded video of the session will be available...
A story of Indie game with Vinova on MDA (Media Development Authority) website

A story of Indie game with Vinova on MDA (Media Development Authority) website

“Demand for casual games is expected to soar with the dramatic rise in mobile web, tablets and smartphones consumption in Asia in the next two to three years. More Indie game developers like Vinova, Lewenhart Studios and other game-changers are taking on the global market, at Singapore’s doorstep.” The above quote is the introduction of an article named “In Good Company – Indie game developers get “Thumbs Up!” at Casual Connect Asia 2013 ” on MDA website which tells a story of mobile game development in Asia based on the event Casual Connect Asia 2013. In this story, Vinova was told as a successful Indie game developers with the castle defense game “Ultimate Arrow“. Ultimate Arrow had won the “Best in Show” award at the Indie Showcase in Singapore, given out to the game voted the best by CCA participants during the three days. In Casual Connect Asia 2013, Stefan Nguyen – Vinova Lead Game Developer also had a speech to share the experiences of Spine in 2D game development. Do access the link for the full article. Vinova is going to launch “Ultimate Arrow” by July 2013, and is exploring opportunities with professional publishers to promote the game in Asia. Do download and support...

Mozilla announced first two Firefox OS smartphones

July 1, Mozilla released the first two smartphones carry its new own operating system – Firefox OS: the ZTE Open and Alcatel One Touch Fire. The two devices will soon be available through Telefonica and Deutsche Telekom. Telefonica announced that the ZTE Open will be offered in Spain starting on July 2 for 69 euros ($90). The Firefox OS is an open-source system, intended to compete with Android for developer attention, and the experience is reportedly similar to using an Android device.  It was developed using HTML5, the language of the Web, which Mozilla hopes will make it easier for third party developers to produce apps.  With HTML5 integrated onto an open source operating system, there’s definitely a possibility that Firefox could catch on with that crowd, although it remains to be seen if the software has the performance or longevity to make a splash. Mozilla hopes to conquer much of Central and Eastern Europe, Asia and Latin America with Firefox OS — most of which are currently dominated by cheap Android devices. Reference: PCworld,...

How Free Apps Can Make More Money Than Paid Apps

As a co-founder and CTO at 140 Proof, a venture-backed startup for targeted Twitter advertising, John Manoogian III had written an article in TechCrunch website sharing his idea about ways to monetize mobile apps.   “While building apps for Apple and Android app stores can be highly lucrative ventures for developers, one of the hardest decisions an app developer has to make is how to get the app to pay for itself. Often the “monetization strategy” — shorthand for “how will this app make money?” — is left for last. It’s hard enough to get discovered by consumers among the millions of already existing apps, not to mention convince people to buy it. People increasingly prefer free, ad-supported apps for their tablets and smartphones, yet many developers still aren’t sure how to tackle the free vs. paid issue. Deciding when to charge for your app, and when to try an ad-supported model, is one of the hardest decisions developers must make. Four Monetization Strategies for Apps? Actually, There Are Only Two. Developers have several monetization options available, each with its own requirements and pitfalls. Before moving forward with a strategy though, there are a few of questions an app developer should explore in order to answer the ultimate question, “how can I monetize my app?” 1.       Is my app engaging enough for people to use it often? 2.       How willing are people to pay an up-front fee for my app? 3.       How do competitors in my space monetize their apps, and how successful are their strategies? As app markets across platforms explode, developers are talking to each other to determine the best type of monetization...
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