> June, 2013 - Vinova

An open letter from Android to iOS 7

At the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 10, 2013 in San Francisco, Apple announced its upcoming mobile operating system iOS 7 with the redesigned user interfaces and couple of improvements compared to iOS 6. With the flat and “colorful” design, the design of iOS 7 is very controversial. One of the reporter from Forbes, Ewan Spence, after taking part in WWDC 2013, had written a very interesting letter involved in this hottest news. The letter is from Android to Apple’s fans talking about iOS 7 design and its change. Here is the content of this letter: “Dear Apple Fans, I write to you as the comedic personification of Android, having sat through the WWDC keynote and the debut of iOS 7. Can I just point out a few things that your OS is doing that contrast with how we do things over here? You don’t need to worry about all the pastel colours being thrown around making everything old look new. While the new iOS 7 software is going to be available on  older Apple hardware, the chances are that the new OS will debut inside yet another new physical design of the iPhone that may be announced in September. That means a huge expense for anyone upgrading their handset from an iPhone 4 or 5 to presumably the iPhone 6. Actually it means two expenses, as they’ll need to buy a new case as well as a new phone. If you’re spending that sort of money, you should really look at Android… we’ve got lots of cases to suit every budget. We’ve got a grid based...

Donate blood, connect and help save lives with Redcross Singapore and Vinova

Last Friday, Red Cross Singapore has launched a new website under the link www.connect.redcross.sg to call for donating blood. This website is pretty different from Red Cross’s previous website by connecting lifesavers using Facebook platform. With the fast grow of this social media community, Red Cross Singapore believes that this new website would attract more blood donors. Just by clicking on the button “like”, you will automatically connect with Red Cross Singapore network on Facebook and start to receive Red Cross alerts in your news feed. The current blood level of each blood type and the information for the nearest donation centers will also be updated regularly in this website. By sharing an alert for a low-level blood type on Facebook, you will help to reach potential donors and save lives. FAQs involved in blood donation are also available via this website. By developing connect.redcross.sg, Vinova gives a hope to help more lives. So do access the website and like Red Cross Singapore on Facebook. Donate, share with friends and become a...

The speech of Stefan NGUYEN, Vinova lead game developer, in Casual Connect Asia 2013 is OUT!!!

In a previous post titled “Awesome 2D Games Animation with Spine“, we had introduced Stefan NGUYEN, Vinova lead game developer, who had a speech in Casual Connect Asia 2013 to share the experiences of Spine in 2D game development. And here is the video of his speech: Bravo Stefan for his great attempt as well as the whole game team!!! Great! Spine helped us a lot when developing Ultimate Arrow – the ‘”Best of the Show” in Casual Connect Asia 2013. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email info@vinova.sg. Do follow us on Facebook and wait for the launch of Ultimate Arrow...

Ruby on Rails 4 – first release candidate released

Folks! Great news! Just in time for the opening of RailsConf, the first release candidate of Rails 4.0 was managed to push out. Here are the nice guides to upgrade to Rails 4.0 http://rubysource.com/get-your-app-ready-for-rails-4/ This post is about the summary of the new features that Rails 4.0 offers, as well as the changes that may affect your current applications. Highlights in Rails 4.0: Ruby 2.0 preferred; 1.9.3+ required Strong Parameters Turbolinks Russian Doll Caching Ruby >=1.9.3 Rails 4 will only support Ruby 1.9.3+ and most compatible with Ruby 2.0. Get ready to upgrade if you have not done so to experience Rails 4. No more vendor/plugins The vendor/plugins directory has been removed in Rails 4. Instead, you should use Bundler with a path or Git dependencies. If you still have any code in vendor/plugins, you have 2 options: Move it to a gem. Most plugins should already have a gem version. If not, you can reference it from your Gemfile via the :git or :path options. Move it to lib/your_plugin and require it from an initializer on config/initializers. Threadsafe by default In new Rails applications, the threadsafe! option will be enabled by default in production mode. The way to turn it off will be by setting config.cache_classes andconfig.eager_load to false. This shouldn’t be much of a problem, unless the app (or one of its gems) is depending too much on thread safety. Strong parameters A lot of controversy was generated around the mass assignment protection. Since then, various different approaches were explored. Rails 3.2 uses attr_accessible and attr_protected on the models. Rails 4 takes a whole different point of view, making the controller responsible on what attributes are assigned to the model. An advantage of this approach...

Vinova at Startup Asia Singapore 2013

Organized by TechinAsia, Startup Asia is a 2-day conference on 4-5 April 2013 organized for entrepreneurs, investors, media, and people across the Asian tech community. To be honored, Vinova had a booth at this event to introduce the company and the newest game: Ultimate Arrow With nearly 1000 participants from 15 Asia countries, Startup Asia 2013 is a big opportunity for different Asian IT startups to meet up and share experience in running a business in technology industry.  Besides the talks from representative entrepreneurs, the event had a showcase for newly launched and product-ready tech startups. Vinova took a chance in this event to increase the networking as well as bring Ultimate Arrow to the public. Founded in 2010 by Alex Nguyen and Mike Nguyen, Vinova Pte. Ltd primarily offered a full spectrum of Mobile, Web Design and Development services tailored to the needs of our clients in Singapore. As a leading web/mobile technology company in Singapore, Vinova web and mobile solutions are widely accepted and trusted by more than 15 SMEs and schools. The solutions developed by Vinova are affordable, user-friendly and completely customizable. Since late 2012, Vinova ventured into mobile game industry and has achieved some first successes in this competitive sector. One of the most considerable triumphs is the winning of the most favourite indie prize for game in Casual Connect Asia 2013 with the game “Ultimate Arrow”. UA is a castle defends game has given a new life for an old Vietnamese legend from Au Lac dynasty. At Startup Asia 2013, this is the first time that Vinova introduced Ultimate Arrow to the public but...
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