> September, 2011 - Vinova

10gen raises $20M for MongoDB in maturing NoSQL space

10gen, a company which offers enterprises a big data database built off of MongoDB, has raised $20 million in financing, led by Sequoia Capital and with participation from 10gen’s other existing investors Flybridge Capital and Union Square Ventures. This brings the company’s total funding to over $30 million. Similar to the way Cloudera commercializes Apache Hadoop, 10gen offers a commercialized version of, and training and support for the open source database hosting NoSQL platform MongoDB. MongoDB is an open source, document-oriented database designed with both scalability and developer agility in mind. Instead of storing your data in tables and rows as you would with a relational database, in MongoDB you store JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas. The goal of MongoDB is to bridge the gap between key-value stores (which are fast and scalable) and relational databases (which have rich functionality). 10gen allows companies to scale databases that store and process massive amounts of data. As Merriman puts it, 10Gen allows companies to be ‘nimble and get things done quickly.” For background, 10gen was founded by DoubleClick Founder and CTO Dwight Merriman and former DoubleClick engineer and ShopWiki Founder and CTO Eliot Horowitz As Merriman tells me, many companies that are dealing with large amounts of data use legacy systems like Oracle. But the problem comes when you need to scale, and buying more servers can be expensive and a challenging task. And as big data and the cloud continue to infiltrate the enterprise, 10gen and MongoDB have experienced major growth. The company now powers major projects more than 400 customers including Disney, Foursquare, Ericsson, Viacom, Telefonica and SAP. In...

MDA, Singtel, NUS Join Hands To Incubate Startups With Blk71.com

BLK71 is an incubation programme set up by the Media Development Authority, SingTel Innov8 and NUS Enterprise, Blk71 is based in the west of Singapore at the new media hub, Mediapolis Phase 0. They provide free space for individuals and companies who are following the best of their dreams in the start-up world. “Blk71” gets its name literally from the address of its base at Mediapolis Phase 0, located at Block 71 Ayer Rajah Industrial Estate, where SingTel Innov8 and NUS Enterprise are already anchor tenants there. In their words: Plug-in@Blk71 Plug into the Blk 71 network – where people meet, match and connect; where ideas turn into businesses. @ Blk 71, we allow you to define your own space because we are excited to see how freedom breeds creativity, how connections push past boundaries. Use this space as a platform to hack, ideate, or collaborate as you meet with business heros who have been there done that. Connect yourself with like-minded souls and get the excitement brewing It is simple. It is free. Just come lahh !! – Blk 71...

Ruby on Rails: Quotes

It’s fantastic to know how smart people saying nice things about Ruby on Rails. I love to share them with you guys: “Rails is the most well thought-out web development framework I’ve ever used. And that’s in a decade of doing web applications for a living. I’ve built my own frameworks, helped develop the Servlet API, and have created more than a few web servers from scratch. Nobody has done it like this before.” -James Duncan Davidson, Creator of Tomcat and Ant “Ruby on Rails is a breakthrough in lowering the barriers of entry to programming. Powerful web applications that formerly might have taken weeks or months to develop can be produced in a matter of days.” -Tim O’Reilly, Founder of O’Reilly Media “It is impossible not to notice Ruby on Rails. It has had a huge effect both in and outside the Ruby community… Rails has become a standard to which even well-established tools are comparing themselves to.” -Martin Fowler, Author of Refactoring, PoEAA, XP Explained “What sets this framework apart from all of the others is the preference for convention over configuration making applications easier to develop and understand.” -Sam Ruby, ASF board of directors “Before Ruby on Rails, web programming required a lot of verbiage, steps and time. Now, web designers and software engineers can develop a website much faster and more simply, enabling them to be more productive and effective in their work.” -Bruce Perens, Open Source Luminary “After researching the market, Ruby on Rails stood out as the best choice. We have been very happy with that decision. We will continue building on Rails...

Ruby on Rails 3.1 Release

Guys, Ruby on Rails 3.1 has just been released! Feel really good after a long long wait (3 Months since RailsConf). Highlights in Rails 3.1: Streaming Reversible Migrations Assets Pipeline jQuery as the default JavaScript library CHANGES For a much more attractive and easy to read list of changes, please check out the awesome Rails 3.1.0 Release Notes on the Rails Guides site. For a less attractive list of changes, please continue to read! Here are some highlights of the major changes in Rails 3.1.0: ActionPack ActionPack has been updated to include the new asset pipeline. Please see the rails guides on the asset pipeline. Streaming response support has been added. This feature allows you to stream templates to the user before processing has actually finished. See the Rails Guides, or documentation in ActionController::Metal::Streaming for more information. Middleware have been refactored to support this feature. RJS has been extracted to a gem. ActiveModel attr_accessible and friends now accepts :as as option to specify a role Added ActiveModel::SecurePassword to encapsulate dead-simple password usage with BCrypt encryption and salting. ActiveRecord Prepared statement caches have been integrated.ActiveRecord::Base#create and simple finders will use a prepared statement and cache for more performant inserts and selects. Associations have been refactored for greater simplicity and maintainability. default_scope can take any object that responds to call. PostgreSQL adapter only supports PostgreSQL version 8.2 and higher. Migrations use instance methods rather than class methods. Rather than defining a self.up method, you should define an instance method up. Migrations are reversible. When a new migration is generated, the migration will contain one method calledchange. Database changes made in this method will automatically know how to reverse...
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