> June, 2011 - Vinova

CQL, the Cassandra Query Language

CREATE COLUMNFAMILY users ( ...     key varchar PRIMARY KEY, ...     full_name varchar, ...     birth_date int, ...     state varchar ... ); CREATE INDEX ON users (birth_date); CREATE INDEX ON users (state); INSERT INTO users (key, full_name, birth_date, state) VALUES ('bsanderson', 'Brandon Sanderson', 1975, 'UT'); INSERT INTO users (key, full_name, birth_date, state) VALUES ('prothfuss', 'Patrick Rothfuss', 1973, 'WI'); INSERT INTO users (key, full_name, birth_date, state) VALUES ('htayler', 'Howard Tayler', 1968, 'UT'); SELECT key, state FROM users; key        | state | bsanderson |    UT | prothfuss  |    WI | htayler    |    UT | SELECT * FROM users WHERE state='UT' AND birth_date > 1970; KEY        | birth_date |         full_name | state | bsanderson |       1975 | Brandon Sanderson |    UT | via datastax.com HBase has PigLatin, now Cassandra has CQL. It’s a natural evolve step for distributed databases that depend of Map-Reduce to query and processing...

Testimonial for Mr Mike Nguyen, Founder of Vinova

Testimonial for Mr Mike Nguyen, Founder of Vinova I had the great fortune of knowing Mike Nguyen some three years back in the course of my work. He was then working for the vendor that my Company, Pan Country Driving Centre Pte Ltd, engaged for the maintenance of our in-house application system. Actually, Mike Nguyen was supporting another client of the same vendor that happened to use a very similar system and only covered his duties when the staff in charge of my  Company was not around. Nonetheless, we still found Mike Nguyen very willing and most helpful. Mike Nguyen, was accommodating as a person. Both diligent and efficient as a worker. Our Company was often delighted with his quick response and fast service in time of needs! His friendly disposition also helped in easy communication. With his strong Information Technology Master Degree background, no problem was too big for him and at times that he did not have a ready answer, he did his own research and humbly asked for more time. Thank you, Mike Nguyen, for all the kind assistance! And Congratulations too! I know a person of your character and calibre is destined for greater things and you have proven me right by being a partner of  the new start-up, Vinova, so soon! Well done, Mike Nguyen ! Susan Ang Admin Officer Pan Country Driving Centre Pte Ltd Tel : 62612246 Email :...

New Site Launched! lovanaphotoeffects.com

Preserve your most treasured moments forever, whilst bringing them to life and sharing them with family, friends or even for your own personal keepsake. Whether your photos are old or new, they can be enhanced and preserved for years to come by putting them onto DVD. Photo stories are a great way to celebrate a milestone, pay tribute, relive a holiday or just a fun way to organize your photos. Your Photo Story can be created using still pictures, home movies, or a combination of the two. Your Photo Story will be personalized with music, motion and transitions to create your desired mood and is sure to impress! Our lives are a collection of experiences and memories. Share your life with a photo story!! Contact us today to discuss your...
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