> December, 2010 - Vinova

New Site Launched! OpenRangePetroleum.com

Open Range Petroleum is a production oil company focused on oil production in the Bakken and Three Forks Formations of the Williston Basin. Their senior management team has over thirty years experience in every discipline applicable to a production oil company. Their business model is based on the oil resources of the Williston Basin and a long term bullish view on the price of oil. Open Range Petroleum create value by acquiring mineral rights and utilizing industry leading techniques for drilling, completions and production. Open Range Petroleum currently hold a net acreage of 8,000 acres and operate our joint ventures holding 11,000 acres. Their 2011 objectives are to substantially increase our net acreage position in strategic areas, increase oil production and enhance our financial...

Salesforce.com Buys Heroku For $212 Million In Cash

“The next era of cloud computing is social, mobile and real-time. I call it Cloud 2,” said Marc Benioff, chairman and CEO, salesforce.com. “Ruby is the language of Cloud 2, and Heroku is the leading Ruby application platform-as-a-service for Cloud 2 that is fueling this growing community. We think this acquisition will uniquely position salesforce.com as the cornerstone for the next generation of app developers.” via...
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