> May, 2010 - Vinova

Google I/O 2010 Day 1 Keywords

* HTML5 (More powerful Web Apps) * Mobile (Browsers are everywhere) * WebMProject.org (Open Source Media Technology)  VP8 (Video) + Vorbis (Audio) * JavaScript (In every browsers) * Chrome Web App Store (something similar to Apple iTune App Store) * Interactive Magazine * Google Wave Platform / API * Cloud * Google App Engine for Business  SLA, SSL, SQL...

The Rules of Agile Estimation

The Rules of Agile Estimation: http://railsrx.com/2010/05/13/may-13-2010-the-rules-of-agile-estimation/ 1. Estimates are always wrong 2. If you think spending more time on estimates is a good idea, see rule 1. 3. On average, an experienced developer is not going to improve on his or her gut reaction by thinking it over. 4. Team estimates are important, one person may see something that everybody else missed. Just keep it quick. 5. People are much better at estimating size relative to each other than absolute time a task takes. 6. Separate the problem into smaller chunks, the more estimates you make the better the chance that the law of averages will help you. 7. Decomposition into roughly equal sized tasks is pretty much the whole ballgame. Alex...
Malcare WordPress Security

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